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4-Day Workweek in Split: VRH Komunikacije Leads the Way

Lucija Curavić Lončarić

Lucija Curavić Lončarić


vrh komunikacije i split tech city

While planning the next Mini PR Conference (late April, date TBA), we learned that the innovative PR agency VRH Komunikacije is implementing a 4-day workweek.

Throughout 2024, they successfully piloted a four-day workweek, operating from Monday to Thursday. Exceptions are made for events that occur on Fridays or weekends.

We had the opportunity to speak directly with STC member Luka Šipić, the agency’s founder and owner, to learn about his motivations, the challenges they faced, and his predictions for this trend.

“This wasn’t a sudden decision,” Luka explained. “The idea of a four-day workweek has been on my mind since I founded the agency in 2019. I wanted to create a work environment that prioritized work-life balance, especially given the demanding nature of the agency world.”

He continued, “Living in the heart of the Mediterranean, with abundant sunshine and beautiful surroundings, it seemed logical to embrace this lifestyle. So, we decided to experiment with a four-day workweek throughout 2024.”

“We started with a trial period. We dedicated Fridays to meetings and administrative tasks, which has proven very effective. Even today, I handle most of my administrative duties on Fridays.

We also adjusted our workflow with our freelancers to ensure all urgent tasks were completed by Wednesday. Thursdays became dedicated to final preparations for the upcoming week.”

“To ensure a smooth transition, we implemented mandatory Monday morning meetings to plan the week ahead,” Luka explained.

This helps us stay organized and ensures everyone is on the same page. While we sometimes need to put in extra hours, knowing that a three-day weekend awaits significantly boosts motivation.”

4 day work model in Split, Croatia
Kristina, Luka and Ivan from VRH Komunikacije

When asked about measuring the success of this model, Luka emphasized employee satisfaction and mental well-being. “We continuously strive to improve employee satisfaction, and this initiative is a significant step in that direction.

Our work demands creativity, productivity, strong focus, and meticulous attention to detail – all of which are enhanced by a healthy work-life balance.”

Regarding client reactions, Luka stated, “While client satisfaction is paramount, our focus remains on delivering high-quality work regardless of the day of the week. We accommodate events and urgent requests, but we always find ways to compensate for any extra hours worked.”

When asked about the challenges, Luka simply replied, “Honestly, there haven’t been any major obstacles. Our team is like a family, and we all share a common goal: to enjoy our work and strive for excellence.”

For companies considering a similar approach, Luka advises a trial period. “With proper organization, I believe most companies can successfully transition to a four-day workweek. However, it’s crucial to consider factors such as company size, industry, and individual team dynamics.”

Looking ahead, Luka believes that the four-day workweek could become a global trend, much like remote work, which emerged as a necessity during the pandemic. 

“If we retire at 68 and spend five days a week solely on work, it’s time to prioritize our well-being and enjoy the benefits of living in a beautiful region like the Mediterranean.”


About author:

Lucija Curavić Lončarić

Komunikolog po struci i prirodi. Voli riječi, sliku i video – i psihologiju koja stoji iza njih. Organizira događaje s kojih izlazimo kao bolji stručnjaci, kreativci i ljudi.

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