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2023 Tech Rewind: A year of breakthroughs and innovations

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


2023 came to an end and, needless to say, it was a year of breakthroughs and advancements for the technological landscape.

Generative AI took the world by storm, impacting our daily lives while innovations in AR, VR, and Quantum Computing gained momentum making this past year one of the most innovative ones in the tech world in the last decade.

Generative AI – one of the biggest innovations in a decade

Following the overnight success of OpenAI’s several AI-powered services in late 2022, advancements in artificial intelligence saw tremendous and rapid growth in 2023.

In terms of figures, ChatGPT reached 1 million users in 5 days, and according to the latest available data has around 180.5 million users and 1.7 billion monthly visits. In comparison, Instagram took two and a half years to acquire that many. Facebook took four and a half years.

Over the last year, tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and AWS have implemented Large Language Models (LLMS) into their products.

While Microsoft incorporated ChatGPT and Dall-E, Google launched its own AI model with Bart and soon Gemini, and AWS launched a new generative AI-powered assistant Amazon Q.

AI-enabled tools are designed to change by themselves – continuously. Each time you provide new data to an LLM to produce text or computer code, the technology learns and its capabilities grow.

Generative AI for professional workflows

Organizations, too, are now commonly using gen AI. According to a survey published by McKinsey & Company in August 2023, one-third of respondents say their organizations are using gen AI regularly in at least one business function.

Indeed, businesses can leverage AI technology for various purposes, such as content creation, product innovation, and customer service, to automate business processes and improve efficiency.

From coding to photo and video editing to marketing and sales automation and personalization, a handful of companies have implemented AI tools across their services that are meant to empower rather than overtake the work of artists, videographers, designers, marketers, and more.

What’s more, several AI startups have emerged in the last years and even more so in 2023, focusing on specific AI applications and developing AI-driven products and services.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) continued to gain momentum in 2023, with new developments and applications emerging across various industries.

Advancements in AR hardware have reached a point where they offer ease of use and affordability. Headsets have become lighter, more ergonomic, and accessible to a broader audience. Besides, AR integration into everyday devices, such as smartphones and smart glasses, has become more prevalent.

VR saw an improvement in visuals and haptics, enhancing the visual quality and sensory experience of the users. It also saw an increase in its content creation by more studios and independent developers while its adoption in the enterprise sector accelerated, with companies utilizing VR for training, remote collaboration, product design, and customer engagement.

Transcending their gaming and entertainment roots, AR and VR gained traction in practical applications like navigation, education, and training.

Augmented reality found its way into healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, offering new ways to interact with digital information in the real world.

Quantum computing

Quantum computing made significant strides in 2023, moving from the realm of theoretical concepts to practical applications. Those advancements were achieved in:

  • The scaling of quantum computers: IBM’s Summit processor reached 127 qubits, while D-Wave Systems’ Advantage achieved 14 machine learning qubits. This scaling allowed for more complex computations and the exploration of new quantum algorithms.
  • Quantum error correction: Google and IBM efficient quantum error correction techniques, crucial for building fault-tolerant quantum computers that can operate reliably for extended periods.
  • Quantum algorithms: new quantum algorithms that can outperform classical computers for specific tasks.
  • Commercialization: tech giants made progress in developing commercial quantum computing platforms and services, making it easier for researchers and businesses to access and utilize quantum computing resources.
  • Industry adoption: quantum computing began to gain traction in various industries, including drug discovery, materials science, financial modeling, and cybersecurity. Companies such as Merck, BMW, and JPMorgan Chase began to explore the potential of quantum computing for their business application.

As we reflect on 2023, it becomes evident that the opportunities presented by these innovations are as vast as they are complex.

2024 will probably continue to be a pivotal period for the industry.

With these ongoing advancements comes responsibility. Ethical implications and potential misuse of such technologies must be carefully considered.

This article was written by: Tamara Habensus


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Split Tech City

We are the first formal association of Split’s tech community which includes companies, associations, institutions, meetups, and individuals.

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